What's your email address?

Your information

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
First Name *
Last Name *
Mobile Phone *

For example, 123-456-7890
Date of Birth *

A valid date as MM/DD/YYYY (for example: 11/30/2015)
You can volunteer as an individual or a group. Groups consist of 3-5 people. If you sign up as a group with more than 5 people, you will be split up and/or given multiple routes to cover. Each group member must complete this registration.

If you sign up as an individual, you will be placed on a team on the night of the count.
If you are volunteering in a group, what are the names of your group members?


The undersigned volunteer ("Volunteer"), in consideration for permission to act as a volunteer for the Tarrant County Homeless Coalition (TCHC), the sufficiency of such consideration is acknowledged, hereby acknowledges and agrees to the following:

1. Volunteer Relationship. Volunteer has expressed an interest in providing services, as needed, to the TCHC on a voluntary basis. This Contract will apply to all events or activities at which the TCHC permits volunteer to provide voluntary services. Volunteer hereby acknowledges Volunteer’s desire to volunteer services to the TCHC for civic, charitable and/or humanitarian reasons. Volunteer understands and agrees that as a volunteer, Volunteer is not an employee, partner, agent, representative or contractor of the TCHC under federal, state and/or local law or regulations. Volunteer also understands and agrees that because Volunteer is donating services to the TCHC for altruistic reasons: (i) Volunteer has no expectation of any compensation, pay, fee or benefits for the services; (ii) Volunteer is not entitled to wages or employee benefits to which TCHC employees are entitled; (iii) the TCHC has not promised Volunteer any compensation for service as a volunteer; and (iv) the TCHC has not promised or suggested that Volunteer will receive any employment opportunities, or greater consideration for any future employment opportunities, as a result of the volunteer service. Volunteer agrees that if at any time Volunteer believes that Volunteer should be compensated for the services, or that Volunteer is acting as an employee rather than as a volunteer, Volunteer will immediately notify the TCHC of this belief in writing.

2. Waiver of Liability and Release. Volunteer assumes all risks of injury, including death, to Volunteer’s person and property arising from the services as a TCHC volunteer, the use of provided facilities and equipment and participation in activities. Volunteer further releases, discharges and holds harmless, for Volunteer and Volunteer’s heirs, administrators, executors and assigns, the TCHC, its directors, officers, employees, agents, administrators, insurers, successors and assigns, and any facility used for an TCHC activity, and the facility’s members, medical volunteers, directors, committees, agents, and employees, from all liability and claims of any and every kind and nature, whether arising out of negligence or otherwise, for any injuries, including death and loss of property, and including but not limited to theft, loss, negligence, invasion of privacy, fire or other acts, and Volunteer hereby waives all current and future claims, whether or not known and whether or not foreseeable, against such parties arising from any loss, damage or injury, including death, to Volunteer’s person and property arising from the services as an TCHC volunteer, Volunteer’s attendance at any TCHC event or activity, the use of provided facilities and equipment and participation in activities.

3. Indemnification. Volunteer agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend, to the fullest extent permitted by law, the TCHC, its directors, officers, employees, agents, administrators, insurers, successors and assigns from and against any and all demands, claims, liabilities, suits, causes of action, judgments, damages, losses, penalties, and/or expenses of any kind or nature whatsoever, including attorneys’ fees, arising, directly or indirectly, from or resulting, directly or indirectly, from Volunteer’s performance of volunteer services hereunder, however caused and regardless of any actions or omissions of the TCHC.

4. Instructions. Volunteer further agrees that Volunteer will abide by instructions provided by the TCHC applicable to each activity covered hereunder.

5. Media. By signing this Agreement, Volunteer consents to allow the TCHC to make or record and utilize media, including video, photographs, audio recordings, or other images or likenesses of Volunteer, for use in print or electronic publications or presentations. Volunteer waives any and all claims to any share of funds raised or compensation for the use any such media.

6. Communications. Volunteer consents to have their email address added to the email distribution list of the TCHC. Volunteer understands that they may opt out of email communications at any time through the email distribution service or by providing such request in writing to the TCHC.